8 - Diversification of farm activities

Maintaining a viable business is becoming increasingly difficult for farmers at present and it is becoming increasingly popular to consider alternative uses and activities to supplement the agricultural income generating operations of farms.

Very often these forms of diversification will require planning permission. Often, due to the relatively restrictive policies for land in the countryside or green belt, you may find that what you are proposing does not conform to the policies of the local planning authority.

It is therefore essential to have a planning consultant with suitable experience to assist in putting forward the best case for your proposal, and tailoring the presentation of the development to maximise the potential for obtaining planning permission.

There is a tendency for planning officers to be against any non-countryside related activities in the countryside and so a good strong case needs to be put forward to support such proposals.

I have that experience and would recommend discussing your options as early in the process as possible in order that all potential issues may be fully considered.

I have helped a number of such developments in the countryside to gain planning permission including small housing developments (up to 7 units) dog day care centre, commercial storage facility, and a smallholding development plus house for breeding rare pigs and goats.